Solar heat panels

Ideal solar heat panels excel with increasing absorptance (α) in the solar wavelength region (0.3 - 2.5μm) and decreasing emissivity (ε) in the infrared wavelength region (3.0μm or more). Also, in consideration of thermal stability and thermal conductivity, black chromium plating is superior.

Type of plating Features & characteristic value
Black chromium plating
(1) Sargent bath
- Film composition: CrOx-Cr
- Optimum plating thickness: 180nm
- Primary plating: Nickel plating
- Absorptance of light (α): 0.96
 Emissivity of light [ε(t°C): 0.1 at 100°C]
- Thermal stability: 350°C
(2) Trivalent chromium bath - Film composition: Cr-Co
- Optimum plating thickness: 180nm
- Primary plating: Nickel plating
- Absorptance of light (α): 0.96
 Emissivity of light [ε(t°C): 0.10 at 100°C]
- Thermal stability: 200°C

(From “Kino Mekki Himaku no Bussei” edited by Denki Mekki Kenkyukai; Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun Ltd.)

Adoption examples

Solar heat panels

Black-chromium-plated solar collector

(From “Denki Mekki Gaido” edited by Federation of Electro Plating Industry Association, Japan)

Types of plating